We the Economy Episode 1
Dir- Morgan Spurlock
How did the economy get started? Meet Ugg, Glugg and Tugg, three enterprising cave men who accidentally invented trade, marketing and the base elements of the modern market economy. Discover more at www.wetheeconomy.com Directed by Morgan Spurlock Writers: Jeremy Chilnick and Morgan Spurlock Executive Producers: Jeremy Chilnick & Morgan Spurlock Producer: Danny Walton Associate Producer: Amanda Messenger Directors of Photography: Filipp Penson and Paul Rondeau Cast: Morgan Spurlock John Steele Gordon Judah Friedlander Annalyn Kurtz Adam Davidson Caveman: Besanya Santiago Christopher Spurrier Bill Levy Jon Noto Vincent C. Parker David James Palmer Lucy Locke Nathanial F. Peart Brendan Malafronte Editor: Brian Nils Johnson (c) Warrior Poets. All Rights Reserved
We the Economy Episode 1
Dir- Morgan Spurlock